Vehicles & Parking
Like most town home communities, Wexford does not have an overabundance of parking spaces. Town home communities are medium density communities that do not afford large lots that allow for multiple vehicles, in contrast to many single family subdivisions. Neighbors must be respectful of other residents’ assigned spaces and to visitors who may come to our community and not park in any space other than those assigned to them. Every town home in the Wexford Conservancy that does not have a driveway and garage has been assigned two parking spaces with a marking on the curb representing the lot number. If you are a resident in a town home with assigned parking spaces, you must park your vehicles only in your designated parking spaces with your corresponding lot number. Those owners with garage units are to park their vehicles either in their driveway or inside their garage, not in the Visitor spaces.
IMPORTANT – Parking is considered “Common Area” and is owned by the Association, not the individual home owner. Parking spaces are not included as part of the deed for any individual lot and therefore not owned exclusively by any home owner. One function of the Association is to assign parking spaces for owners’ use. Under authority granted by Wexford’s Governing Documents and the Virginia Property Owner’s Act, an owner’s use of those assigned parking spaces and any other parking within the community may be revoked. When parking privileges have been revoked, the owner and any resident, tenant, or visitor also has their access to any parking area in the community revoked. Once the owner has been notified, any vehicle associated with the lot for which parking privileges have been revoked can be towed without any further notice and at the expense of the owner of the vehicle during the time period that the parking privileges have been revoked.
In the event that any home owner becomes delinquent in paying their quarterly assessments or any other assessment by 60 days or more, they may have their parking privileges revoked. Wexford’s Governing Documents and the Virginia Property Owner’s Act provide the legal authority to allow this action. The Board of Trustees does not wish to be placed in this situation; however, it is the Board’s fiduciary responsibility and obligation to ensure that all owners uphold their financial obligations to the Association and it will exercise this option as the need arises. Legal action such as placing a lien against the property and other action may also be employed. It is in the owner’s best interest to contact the Association’ Management early if there is any issue that impact their ability to pay their assessments on time.
All vehicles driven by owners, residents, or tenants of Wexford homeowners must be registered within 30 days of moving in and have a Wexford Parking Sticker prominently displayed on the back of the rear view mirror, on the front windshield, or on the rear window.
Within thirty minutes of arriving at Wexford, visitors must display a Visitor Hang Tag or a note that is easily read (and includes the address of the person they are visiting) and is visible through the front windshield. Those vehicles found in the community that do not have a Wexford Parking Sticker, Visitor Hang Tag, or note as previously described, may be towed at the owner’s expense without notice.
We do realize that there are some homeowners that have three or more vehicles and have created Overflow Parking. This parking is in front of the homes on Torrence Place directly across from the tot lot, along the outbound side of Torrence next to the tot lot, and on Cummings Court in front of the garage homes.
Prior to parking in Overflow Parking you must understand the requirements of its use as described in the Parking Rules and Regulations. Those people who park in Overflow Parking illegally may be towed at the owner’s expense without notice. We encourage all homeowners who own more than two vehicles or whose household has more than two vehicles to park those extra vehicles on Redwing Drive.
The Wexford Conservancy DOES NOT allow for boats, trailers, RVs, commercial trucks or campers to park on the grounds.
Contact Management at (703) 680-2564 to request parking stickers and Visitor hang tags.
Relevant Docs
> Wexford Parking Rules & Regulations (Resolution 2010-01)
> Wexford Vehicle Registration Form